Cleaning Services

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Our Cleaning Services

We have a fantastic team of Technicians who strive to please our clients, whether it’s a messy factory clean up or a totally blocked hopper bin, our team will deliver the results you’re looking for.

Commercial Cleaning

Bulk Industrial Cleaning provides end of lease warehouse cleaning services allowing business to focus on your new location.

Silo Cleaning

Free material flow from silos and bunkers experiencing build-ups and forming bottle necks, bridges, arches, rat holes and wall build-ups.

IBC Cleaning

IBC Cleaning will be added to our portfolio of services. Design's are being created to develop a mobile cleaning facility.

Behind the Company

A team of reliable technichians who strive to maximise results.

Projects Done

States & Overseas

Contracts Won

Happy Customers

What Customers Say

A quick and effient process, our main storage tanks were bridged over making it a costly exercise trying to refil cartage bins, BIC fixed that.

Charles Strifler

Sunny Side Food Storage

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or create an account. we are 24/7 available